Unsaved Items

On the left, click the Home navigation button and then click the Unsaved Items navigation tab to open the Unsaved Items page.

Unsaved Items Page

Use the Unsaved Items page to recover unsaved items.

ForeSight stores unsaved items and unsaved item changes in a temporary database. These temporary items and changes are retained in the temporary database for up to 24 hours, depending on the time of day and frequency of the database cleanup task. When a timeout, power failure, browser closure, etc., interrupts a session, ForeSight saves the item in the temporary database and you can open it in the next session, provided the temporary database maintenance cleanup task has not deleted it.

NOTE: The system is unaware of, and does not list, unsaved items on this page until you close and log back on to ForeSight.

Restore Unsaved Items

  1. On the left, click the Home navigation button and then click the Unsaved Items navigation tab to open the Unsaved Items page in the content pane.

    Tip Icon "Valued Client" is the system default name for unsaved cases. When you start more than one unsaved case in a ForeSight session, the system appends a sequential number to each successive case name, as in "Valued Client 1".

  2. Use the grid columns to locate and then recover an unsaved item.

    Item Name column displays the name (or the system default name) of the unsaved item.

    Last Updated column displays the date and time when you last updated the unsaved item.

    Recover – click this link to open the unsaved item so you can view, update or save the open item.